We give you a second opinion on your future!

Fast results

We are a consulting firm with a unique method to help your company reach new levels at a fast pace. Every organization is unique and therefore we customize your innovators specifically for your session and your needs. Phorecast scouts and combines innovators and experts focused on finding new markets, directions and ideas for your organization, however since we’ve been doing this for a while we already have a large network of highly skilled talents. Our process is streamlined so you can be sure that you can get your answers when you need them.

Expect Unexpected Solutions

Delivering unexpected ideas just for the sake of being unexpected has no real value, however, this is a value that frequently comes up in why our clients loved working with us. Since we customize teams of consultants, innovators and experts in ways that they have never encountered before unexpected ideas are bound to happen. We also lead our teams to document strategy in an executable way. Unexpected doesn’t mean strange, it just means that you couldn’t have gotten this result from a team where everybody comes from the same background.

Our services


We create a strategy that is easy to understand and implement. To achieve this we use proven tools and processes, where the Phorecast Session is our think-tank model for predicting upcoming opportunities. Read more about our strategy offerings »


Do your team need a moderated session to agree on a hard decision? Our moderators have great experiences working as catalysts both for teams that agree on everything and those who agree on nothing. Read more about our facilitation offerings »

Digital Marketing Playbooks

A special type of strategy that has been in demand lately is marking strategy for digital channels. This landscape is changing quickly and organisations need a solid platform for how they should act. Read more about our digital marketing playbook offerings »